To promote engagement in taking action to combat the opioid crisis and
strengthen alliances to eradicate illicit opioids on the streets of the United States.
Combating the Opioid Crisis
The opioid crisis affects every segment of society, without regard to class, race, gender, or profession. The response must be equally far-reaching. Together, we can increase awareness on the consequences that the illicit trade of opioids have in our homeland. The main source of these drugs originates from overseas. Mass quantities of opioids are being produced and brought illegally to the United States, contributing to the growing crisis in our country.
In response to the nationwide crisis, ARC is actively working to amplify research and education that addresses the opioid epidemic. ARC volunteers are supplementing existing coursework in proactive ways, we leverage the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Overdose Map to monitor overdose outbreaks in real-time and share results for material planning.
This epidemic is devastating families, we are committed to educating communities that have been affected by the opioid crisis. Law enforcement can only play a certain role in it. There are other facets to fight against the opioid crisis. Providing education to communities is key to stay on top of the evolving trends and concealments.
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American Redwood Consulting (ARC) bay gratis REVIVITE! fòmasyon sou kòman yo rekonèt epi reponn a yon ijans yon surdozaj opioid ak administrasyon naloxone (Narcan ®). REVIVE! se yon efò kolaborasyon ki te dirije pa Depatman Sante Konpòtman ak Sèvis Devlopman Vijini (DBHDS) k ap travay ansanm ak Depatman Sante Virginia, Depatman Pwofesyon Sante Vijini, ak òganizasyon kominotè rekiperasyon yo.
Fòmasyon Sekou Lay
1 - 1.5 èdtan
Konprann Opioids
Kijan opioid overdoses rive
Faktè risk pou surdozaj opioid
Kijan pou w reponn yon ijans nan yon surdozaj opioid ak administrasyon Naloxone
*Èske PA jis pou moun ki dejwe.
Si yo preskri oumenm oswa yon moun ou renmen kalman nakotik pwisan, ou ta dwe gen naloxone sou men.
Naloxone - Vijini Statewide Order Order: A Standing Order sèvi kòm yon preskripsyon pou tout Vijinyen ki ta renmen jwenn Naloxone. Kounye a, moun ki abite nan Virginia kapab mande Naloxone dirèkteman nan famasi a san yo pa oblije vizite doktè yo oswa founisè medikal yo anvan.
Naloxone, yon medikaman sou preskripsyon, se yon dwòg antagonis opioid ki ranvèse efè opioid yo genyen nan sèvo a. Lè yon moun fè yon surdozaj sou opioid, opioid la akable reseptè espesifik nan sèvo a, tou dousman diminye respirasyon ak batman kè anvan finalman sispann li nèt. Naloxone gen yon afinite trè wo pou reseptè sa yo ak efektivman pouse opioid la nan reseptè sèvo a. Aksyon sa a pèmèt kò yon moun reprann respirasyon. Naloxone te itilize pou plizyè ane pa teknisyen medikal ijans ak doktè sal dijans yo ranvèse ijans opioid. Andeyò objektif sa a sengilye, naloxone pa gen okenn efè sou kò a, epi li pa reprezante okenn danje pou nenpòt moun ki aksidantèlman administre li nan tèt yo oswa yon lòt moun.
Naloxone se yon repons sante piblik ki pwouve nan epidemi ijans ki genyen yon surdozaj opioid. Sant pou Kontwòl ak Prevansyon Maladi yo endike ke depi 1996, lè premye pwogram pou distribye naloxone bay Lay Rescuers (tèminoloji REVIVE! pou manm kominote yo ki te resevwa fòmasyon sou administrasyon naloxone) te aplike, 152,283 moun te resevwa fòmasyon sou administrasyon naloxone. Moun sa yo te sove 26,463 lavi lè yo te administre naloxone bay moun ki te sibi yon ijans pou yon surdozaj opioid.